Monday, April 1, 2019

Four indian biosphere reserve park

india has many destination that include beauty and variety. mountain, lakes
rivers and forest separated by the middle are also full of adventure. there are
a total of 18 biosphere in india which are specialized for tree, plant and
animals and birds.
the biosphere reserve is a special ecosystem or environment in flora and fauna
which needs protection as well as nutrition. the reserve is specially made for
the protection of life.
the biosphere reserve established in india not only provides protection to
animal but also helps in maintaining and sustaining the trible tribes and their
lifestyle. so today we will find out about four such reserve where one can
come come to see a wonderful treasure of nature.

1. Nilgiri national park

with famous biosphere reserve, south india has a nilgiri, national park and
wildlife service. also, the first biosphere reserve of the country is. the
eucalyptus mountains are located on the matching of western and eastern
ghats reserve it. where you can see around 350 types of birds, 39 types of
fish, 316 types of butterflies, 80 types of reptiles, and a variety of other
things which are made of beautiful nature. even nilgiri taher and tiger
tailed macaque who have come to the brink of extinction can be seen
here. while the nilgiri have always had their nature beauty pleasant
weather, the biospher reserve for the adventurers will be a good expiation

2. Nanda devi national park

A biosphere reserve is located at the top of of nanda devi in uttarakhand.
located at a height of 3500 m from sea level, walking around this place is
a distinct achievement. one of the reason why its beauty is still intact is
that not everyone is alble to reach it, decorated with about 300 types
of vegetation, is home to reserve birds, butterfly and many animal. plan
out a visit in the summer month when you will be able to get all your
dues done easily.

3. Pachmarhi national park

It was established in 1999 for the protection of wildlife. the pachmarhi
biosphere reserve of the satpura` range of madhya pardhes is one of the
most important areas. which includes pachmarhi, sack chenuri and
satpura three wildlives. the climate, along with all kind of trees, plants,
animals and birds, builds up this spot. it is only when the time come to
see and explore nature's rock and plain.

4. sunderban national park 

the sunderban nature included in the world heritage site are for
explore. the best place mangrove forests offer plenty of variety
of animals, birds and plants to grow. not only that, it is also a
huge tiger reserve where you can find the bengal tigers. thousands
of tourist come here every year. apart from the mountain and from
the middle, this time sunderban come to make a plan. if adventure
are a hobby.

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